207 S. Tennessee Avenue
LaFollette, TN 37766
Phone: (423) 562-4961
Fax: (423) 562-6565


Finance Director: Terry Sweat

City Treasurer: Barbara Wilson
Administrative Assistant:


The Finance Department plans, organizes, directs operations in the areas of accounting, budgeting, reporting, purchasing, tax collection, inventory control, compliance, and other financial activities. This department assists to ensure that all financial operations are performed in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, as well with the acceptable standard principles of accounting and finance. The Finance Department oversees the preparation of the annual operating budget for all funds. This Department confers, coordinates, plans, and provides support for the Mayor and City Council, City Administrator, Department Heads, and other employees on various financial matters. This requires the generation of accurate reports in order for Department Heads to manage the activities of their departments. This Department must also stay informed of any available grants and the required components thereof. The Finance Department must also monitor the financial policies and procedures of City departments and operations and make recommendations for revisions when needed. This department also tracks financial trends and develops financial recommendations based on the information gathered. This department is also responsible with the oversight of investment programs.

The Finance Department is also responsible for payroll and accounts payable. If you have any inquiries on these matters please call the Finance Department at (423) 562-4961 and you will be directed to the appropriate person that can assist you.









